Sunday, August 15, 2010

I want to know, have you ever seen the rain?

Monsoon season or jangma (장마) typically lasts from June to mid August on the Korean peninsula. Korea gets 60% of their annual rainfall during this period. There will be heavy showers of 8-12in. I’ve never experienced rainfall like this. All you have to do if it rains in Colorado is wait twenty minutes for it to stop. In Korea, the people do not have that luxury; rainstorms can last all day long. Monsoon season is a part of life, and life must go on during it. I’ve had to make an adaption in my life to adjust to the rain. I never owned an umbrella before coming to Korea, and I’ve already gone through three in my short time here.

Korea and Vietnam aren’t exactly neighbors, but whenever it rains I think of the scene in Forrest Gump when he talks about all the different kinds of rain:

Lauren and I getting ready to take on the rain:


  1. Got web feet? Glad you Coloradoans are experiencing a little water. Thanks for the post. Good duck. The Dad

  2. This one is by far my favorite post (: sooo... funny.
