A year ago today I almost died.
Some friends and I went to see one of my favorite bands, Bishop Allen, in concert about 3 hours away from Hillsdale. There were six of us packed like sardines into a friend's Ford Escape. Buried under the seat, the seat belts in the backseat were determined unnecessary for the leisurely drive back to Hillsdale on Michigan's lonely roads. It was very late. We were exhausted. I sat in the middle of the backseat trying to sit in the most comfortable way my disproportionately long legs would allow.
I drifted asleep.
Suddenly, I felt my body aggressively tossed to one side. I heard shouting. I heard more shouting as I flew to the other side. I felt the car roll. I heard smashing glass and crushing metal. My eyes were still sealed shut. I had no idea where I was in the car, but by this moment I had opened my eyes and saw the ground in a position it shouldn't be when you look out the windshield. I remember thinking, "Okay, I am going to die now." Oddly, I was not afraid. I just accepted that, yes, this is how I was going to die. It was going to happen any moment. What was it going to feel like? Why hadn't it happened yet? The car kept tumbling. Finally, we skidded to a stop on its roof.
Within thirty seconds we were all out of the car miraculously. Per Hollywood, we dashed away from the upside-down remains of a vehicle that we surely thought would ignite into flames and explode. I got on the phone with 911, and we were in an ambulance within 15 minutes.
All of us were sore for the next few days. We were pretty shaken up. It took us awhile to not feel anxious in a car. But the accident strengthened the bond between all of us. I am so glad to have these dear friends in my life. And I am so thankful for life itself! I wouldn't be here in the Orient if things turned out differently that night.
Everyone who was in the accident: Paige, Joel, Shawn, Britton, and Kaylyn |
How could you not be happy to be alive when you hear this song?