Sunday, November 28, 2010

It tasted as bad as it looks.

I think they are silkworms.  Old ladies always fry them in giant pans on the street.  People buy a cup full and eat them with toothpicks.  They smell awful.

Before I came to Korea, I told myself, "I will try everything at least once because it is okay to not like something if you've tried it, but it is not okay to not like something without trying it."  I ate octopus that was still moving and enjoyed it.  I always walk by these silkworms and gag a little, so I had low expectations for them.

The worst part was the texture.  The outside was hard, and when you crunch down on it an explosion of moist, chalky, dirt-tasting goop fills your mouth.

I hated it.  But, hey! Now I can say that I've tried it.


  1. ew. ew. ew. EW! I tried watching that video and had to stop before I threw up.
    But I have to say that I am proud of you. I have regretted not trying the fried ants or grasshoppers in Uganda....

  2. haha, thanks Katie. When I ate the octopus it wasn't quite as hardcore as it was in that video clip. mmmm, fried ants.
